What does it mean to truly become present with your sacred self?

So many of us walk around living in our heads, without a connection to what’s happening within our bodies or environments. When we live in our thoughts, we’re missing cues, opportunities…we’re missing life itself.

Embodiment practices help us to be fully present in our bodies.

As a result of these practices, we gain access to the parts of ourselves that we’ve shut down or locked away from personal, ancestral, and/or collective trauma. Once we slow down enough to actually feel those parts, true and lasting healing can begin.

The result? More clarity. More aliveness. More capacity to feel. More self-compassion.

It is possible to rebirth yourself.

Physically, Energetically, and Spiritually.

I know because I’ve been there. For a long time I sacrificed my own well-being to take care of others. I worked nonstop because I associated my worthiness with my achievement. It worked for me until I could no longer sustain being disconnected to my needs, subtle energy or desires.

I could no longer ignore my inner voice and the sacredness of living.

Over time, after years of bodywork training and practice, plus growing my own food, I learned the value of being embodied. Having my hands in the dirt, honoring the earth, and living in connection to my body temple. I learned breath and embodiment practices that helped me feel grounded and rooted in my deepest being, which in turn brought a sense of direction to my life.

After years of continuing to look within and honor the beauty that is within me , it’s my great honor to help my clients explore themselves on a deeper level.

Presence through slowing down and tuning in to your own inner knowing.

This is for YOU if you desire to actively co-create the New Earth through a new paradigm but are holding onto old patterns and trauma in the body that no longer serve you.

This is for you if you desire to build your Temple from within and worship in the sanctuary that resides there. To plant a garden of beauty within, so that it can be sensed and felt by those around you.

Once we know the deepest darkest depths of ourselves, then we can begin to heal the whole. Once you start to restore your own Temple, then you can celebrate inside it again. Truly love your body FROM THE INSIDE OUT.

You are the Sanctuary and it is TIME to realize your holiness of body, mind, and spirit.

My 1:1 mentorship offering comes out of the purest place in my heart, after years of dishonoring myself and those around me, and many more of cultivating Grace in my entire being. My heart, my womb, my feet, and my mind.

It is a beauty beyond beauty—to Know Grace multidimensionally.

And I am honored to be a witness to the process.

We begin when you say YES to desiring this quality that will truly transform your life, your relationships, and your connection with your own divinity.


Sara's presence inspires you to be raw and stare down the ‘demons’ - she held the awareness of when to guide me back into myself as I faced my discomfort or resistance and that is where breakthroughs happen.

We got to work on some of my challenges from past trauma + the frustrations and discord that causes within my relationship to myself and those closest to me.

Her session really helped me to not run away from what I see in the mirror of healing. It helped me process and grief a version of me that believed love was over giving and suffering and helped to give me the courage to claim my life as my own.

She opened a space for me to be honest and say the things that we “aren’t allowed to” and try on different hats as I returned to my state of wholeness.

Sara carries a nurturing essence. When she asks me what I’m there for, her voice becomes tender. She listens deeply...

Bring your authentic self, and let Sara nourish you in the space she creates. You can trust that she will hold your intentions for healing, rejuvenation, and deep nourishment as she works.
— Sarah