
I guide my clients to access their own authentic voice through embodiment practices and healing the trauma that kept them silent and their true voice distorted.

Embodied Voice: Unleash your Authentic Expression

If what you are desiring is to connect deeper with your authentic soul’s voice, then Embodied Voice is for you. In Embodied Voice, we navigate through all the layers of distortion to purify your Temple and in addition work with inner listening and tapping into your creativity with and through vocal healing practices.


I was BORN to share my voice.  Through spoken word and through song. 

Throughout most of my life, I knew I could sing.  Knowing this was something that made me feel good..  I would hear another woman singing, and think to myself–I am SUCH a better singer.    

But I can’t do what SHE is doing because…dot dot dot.

I made so many excuses for staying silent.  For not expressing my voice.  

Because I couldn't play an instrument. 

Because I didn't have the confidence.

Because I was shy.  I’ve always been shy. 

Oh and here is the biggest one of all–because I was overweight.  

What I’ve come to realize is that I never felt fully safe in my body to share MY voice and MY truth.  I was not  FULLY DROPPED IN to all that I am.  

Truly–the inner healing is what was needed to share my voice.


Because healing begins at home. When you come home to the body, create a community of love between and among your cells, there is an alchemy that occurs that naturally brings you back to homeostasis. One of the ways I self-heal is through sound. Listening to the subtle voice within and creating my own healing balm that is just for me. It’s amazing to have the capacity to heal with the same instrument that I use to express myself. 

I have been singing myself back home. Singing myself back to my core essence. Singing my inner child lullabies. Singing into my wounded parts, my disempowered spaces, where I lost my way or became disconnected from my divine Source. 

This is truly the most amazing gift that I have discovered-the gift of transmuting pain through sound.  

I love sharing it with more and more people every day. 

My focus has been working with clients on presencing in and through the body to release trauma, but what I've noticed is that many of them are closed off in the throat chakra.  I gently suggest that they at they let out any sounds that want to come out in our sessions, and most of the time nothing is expressed. There is a fear around letting their voice be heard. It is the silencing that has been happening for generations. The keeping of family secrets, the fear of being attacked for speaking about them, the resentment that you feel for having to carry that burden in the first place.  

It is time to put an end to this.  To break the generational behaviors of silencing of self and others 

We dive deep into the layers of all that has kept you silent.  We do the embodiment work, the being present with sensations and emotions that come up, and ALSO intentionally focus on how to express what maybe was never allowed to be expressed.  

The Embodied Voice Program

Weekly calls for teaching and group coaching

Three 1:1 healing/coaching sessions

Bonus 1:1 Vocal Healing session


  • More alignment between your beliefs and actions–what you desire in your heart will be easier to express to others 

  • Greater clarity of your message and your mission. 

  • Grounded sense of self where you are SO ROOTED in who you are that the authentic voice of your soul is expressed easily and effortlessly

It is YOUR TIME to speak your powerful truth from an embodied place.  No tiptoeing around any more.  No people pleasing anymore. No hiding secrets for people that need to be held accountable.

You are worthy of being heard.  Being listened to.  FULLY.  You do not have to carry the shame around inside of you any longer.  Your story is important to share.

Embodied Voice is for women who are ready to reclaim their voice, their sovereignty, and finally be liberated from their energetic shackles.

This is for you if:

  • You are a spirit lead woman on a mission to change the world and help create the New Earth

  • You are DONE with staying silent out of fear of what people might think

  • You struggle with imposter syndrome, sisterhood wounds, and witch wounds.

  • You have unresolved trauma in the body that has impacted your ability to fully express the desires of your heart.

What you will receive is the opportunity to be fully seen, witnessed and guided to open and share what has forever been on your heart to share.  No more hiding your true authentic self.  Think of all the things that you have always wanted to say but have not felt safe to say them! Imagine what a difference you can make in the world by being so CONFIDENT in your truth that you can communicate it with ease.  

Every single part of you is worthy to be heard. Not just the parts that are socially acceptable, or the parts that your mother or father or other external authority figures deemed acceptable.  Your truth is sacred and so so needed in these times as the old ways of doing things are dismantling and we are creating the NEW.  If you want a seat at the table, then you have to be willing to speak up.    

By clearing the blocks to your fullest expression-you are also inspiring others to do the same.  

Client Testimonial:

Sara's presence inspires you to be raw and stare down the ‘demons’ - she held the awareness of when to guide me back into myself as I faced my discomfort or resistance and that is where breakthroughs happen.

We got to work on some of my challenges from past trauma + the frustrations and discord that causes within my relationship to myself and those closest to me.

Her session really helped me to not run away from what I see in the mirror of healing. It helped me process and grief a version of me that believed love was over giving and suffering and helped to give me the courage to claim my life as my own.

She opened a space for me to be honest and say the things that we “aren’t allowed to” and try on different hats as I returned to my state of wholeness.

Sara carries a nurturing essence. When she asks me what I’m there for, her voice becomes tender. She listens deeply...

Bring your authentic self, and let Sara nourish you in the space she creates. You can trust that she will hold your intentions for healing, rejuvenation, and deep nourishment as she works.
— Sarah